My Søng Åbøut Førtnite

This is the song that I have written for my chorus class.


I love Fortnite, it is very cool

I’d rather play fortnite, then go to school

If you don’t play Fortnite, I think you are a fool

You can hit the griddy, or do the default dance

Do a emote in game, when you get a chance

The music is so good, it’ll make you want to prance

In Fortnite you can be a fighter, or a creator


X-box, Nintendo, PlayStation, PC

You can become any skin you could ever want to be

Run up a mountain, swim in the sea

Get some wood by pickaxing a tree

Chapter 1, 2, 3, and now 4

Jump on a wolf, ride on a boar

Everything is here, how could you want more

So many items, so much to do

Thunder shotgun, scar, tactical pistol too

Perks are now, in the game

They give you power ups, there’s lots to gain

Fortnite has given people, lots of fame

But when they lose, they feel shame

The Shockwave Hammer, is loved by most

But if the circle is small, you are toast

If you win a game, you can boast

Fortnite is a great game, I love it a ton

That is the end of my song, I hope it was fun

La Ciudad Durham



Hola. Yo me llamo Kabir y mi apellido es Desai. Yo tengo 12 años. Mi cumpleaños es el 22 de septiembre. Me gusta jugar videojuegos. Voy a hablar de la ciudad de Durham. 

Primero, en Durham, puedes visitar el Estadio de Béisbol de los Toros de Durham. En el estadio de los toros, tú puedes ver un partido de béisbol y cenar en el restaurante del estadio. Además, puedes comprar souvenirs en la tienda de regalos y apoyar a tu equipo. ¿Te gusta el béisbol? ¿Cual es tu deporte favorito?

Segundo, tú puedes visitar los jardines de Sarah P. Duke. En los jardines de Sarah P. Duke, puedes mirar flores, tomar fotos, relajarte, y caminar. ¿Te gustan las flores? ¿Te gusta tomar fotos?

Tercero, tú puedes visitar el centro comercial Southpoint. En el centro comercial Southpoint, puedes comprar en las tiendas, jugar en el área de juegos, y comprar videojuegos en GameStop. Además, tú puedes comer en la cafetería del centro comercial Southpoint. ¿Cuál es tu comida favorita? ¿Te gusta comprar?

Finalmente, puedes visitar el Campus de Duke. En el campus de Duke, puedes estudiar y caminar. También, puedes orar en la iglesia del campus y comprar recuerdos en la tienda de regalos. ¿Cuál es tu equipo de deportes favorito? ¿Cuál es tu escuela?

En Durham hay muchos árboles, edificios, casas. Durham tiene muchos restaurantes y está lleno de historia. En mi opinión, Durham es una ciudad muy vibrante, histórica, divertida, y agradable.

Muchas gracias, Kabir


Museum of Science Field Trip 🧪🧬

Hello. On Friday, January 27 me and my 6th grade peers all went to the Raleigh Museum of Science. We went in a bus and the ride was about 30 minutes. Huge shoutout to our amazing bus driver. he was very funny and nice.

While there, we explored lots of cool areas about dinosaurs, science, gems, and much more. It was really cool to see all the animals. they mad fish, snakes, bugs, and Im pretty are I even saw an alligator! The dinosaur exhibit was very very cool and the Dinos were massive.

There was also an exhibit about race, which we filled a worksheet on. In that exhibit there was posters about different peoples’ experiences with race and racism. there were also posters on how the pandemic affected race, myths about race, how racism started and more. We didn’t get much time, and I was mostly focused on the worksheet but it was very interesting.

We had come here in second grade and named a lot of the animas and other things and most were still there. The best one was the giant whale skeleton named Garret.

Overall, the trip was lots of fun and I hope to go again sometime.

𝙎 uper 𝘽 owl! 🏟🏈🦅♦️

On Sunday, February 12, the 57th Super Bowl happened. I saw the whole game so I am going to tell you my thoughts on it.

The Eagles started off really strong in the beginning. when I started watching the game it was 7-7, but within 10 minutes it became 14-7 eagles. When Mahomes was injured and the Eagles were up by 10 points, I thought it was game over and the Eagles would win and I was very happy. But I was wrong. The Chiefs made a spectacular comeback, being up by 8 points in the last 10 minutes! but the Eagles followed suit. They also made a comeback, making it tied 35-35 within the last 5 minutes. The Chiefs had the ball and sadly decided to stall until time out and they won the game 38-35. Overall this was an extremely interesting game.

You might have noticed how I haven’t talked about the Halftime show. and its going to stay that way. Im not going to.


India Trip 🇮🇳

Hi. I recently went to India for a month and today I am going to talk about what I did.

First, I went to Delhi with just my parents. I had fun there and mostly we just visited many ancient places. The highlight was going to a palace called Humayan’s Tomb.

Then I went all around the country to meet all my family members. I went to Surat, Bombay, Ahmedabad, and Navsari.

The place I spent the most time in was Bombay, where I stayed with my cousin who is 16. We did a lot of fun things there and we went to 3 different malls. There we also saw Avatar 2 in a theatre and I highly recommend watching it in 3D.

One of the most fun things about the trip was going to a place called Belgian Waffle. The waffles there taste amazing and it is literally everywhere in India. If you ever go I would highly recommend the Kiki and Cream waffle. 🧇

Overall I had a very fun time there, and I hope to go back again. 

Thank you for your listening.

Belgian Waffle


Hi. In L.A. class we are reading the book The Last Cuentista by Donna Higuera. In the book, the main character has to leave earth to live on a new planet. My class all made a project where we described our perfect world, so I have attached mine below. I hope you enjoy. I will also put up a picture of it.


Welcome to Bartholomewizuz. This is a planet in the Andromeda galaxy in the year 4000 and though different to earth, some things are the same.

Climate: The climate here on Bartholomewizuz is always perfectly tailored for every inhabitant. If you want snow, you get snow. If you want it to be hot, its hot. But that’s only every other year. On the years in between, the weather is the same for everybody but still quite nice. We do this to ensure a sort of bond everybody shares. If somebody asks the weather, or says the weather’s good, that wouldn’t make sense, except on the skip years. The planet is very lush, similar to a rainforest, but without mosquitos and bugs.

People: People on Bartholomewizuz are very similar to humans on earth, but there is magic. Everybody gets trained to do magic, and they pick what magic they want to focus on at age 16. (Changeable if legal guardians and district leader sign form). People still have different races and cultures, but there is no racism, sexism, etc.

Technology: Tech on Bartholomewizuz is similar to earth once again. For example, we have iPad and phone like devices. The technology is much more high tech such as there are no bugs in the software and devices are easy to use, but not so much that everyone is always on it and the world is ruled by robots. Other technology works the same way. There are also cool video game consoles and games. All earth games are also there. Screen also has NO effect on health at all.

Military: Though we are not always at war, neighboring planets will occasionally attack us for resources and/or magic (which we share anyway). Our military has a mix of medieval weapons, modern weapons, future weapons, and weapons all around the world. The military uniform is a black and red armored outfit with a cape with the Bartholomewizuz banner. The soldiers also get to pick what helmet to wear.

Religion: People can have whatever religion they want but the main one (similar to Christianity) is Jaquavianity. The Jesus counterpart is Jaquaviontavius Charcouterie IV.

Countries: There are five different countries on Bartholomewizuz and each is similar but also different. Each has a different location which changes things. Some are on a beachside, some are on mountains, etc. each country has its own ruler decided by Jaquaviontavius Charcouterie IV.

Animals: There are 100,000s of different animals but most are mythical. All not annoying animals from earth are also here, but with some changes. The way dogs are humans best friends on earth, on Bartholomewizuz it is also dogs, but they are different colors, the main one is golden retrievers, and they have small antlers and can jump up to 50 feet. Also they learn the same magic their person learns, but dogged down. There are dragons, flying big cats, flying wolves and many other ferocious animals in the sky. Same with water. Some animals from movies are also here like the animals from Avatar and Avatar 2.

Food: Food on Bartholomewizuz is all very very yummy and all good for you, even though it tastes bad for you. Candy is healthy, but tastes better than earth. 

Currency: The currency on Bartholomewizuz is VBucks. It can be used to get anything you want.

Travel: There are many many cool vehicles. Some include different types of elemental motorcycles, elemental animals, and cool magicy cars. There are cool dragon like jets that also live in harmony with real dragons and also people ride animals.

Please come visit my current population is only 6.66 trillion people and 54.99 trillion animals

Tøp 𝟙𝟘 𝑺𝑼𝑷𝙀𝙍 𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖔 🄜🄞🄥🄘🄔🄢 𝕆𝕗 𝟚𝟘𝟚𝟚/𝟚𝟘𝟚𝟙

Now that 2023 is here, today I will be talking about the top ten superhero movies of 2021 – 22.  (not in particular order).

10. The Batman 🦇                                                                                                                         The story, mystery, and villain were good but it was much too dark to see anything. The character design was good, so was the acting. The villain had some scary scenes and was kinda terrifying sometimes. The CGI was almost not there, but when it was it was fairly good. My favorite character is The Penguin.

9. Doctor Strange: Multiverse of Madness 👨🏻‍⚕️                                                                The characters were cool, there were many cameos, and the villain was extremely overpowered. Some complaints were that the illuminati got killed extremely fast for the “strongest superheroes.” Also I almost rage quit when the “smartest” man alive made the dumbest mistake in cinema. The CGI was great. My favorite character is Wong.

8. Guardians of The Galaxy holiday special 🎄                                                                                                                                                                                                                           This is technically a special, not a movie, but it was great so ill count it. this was a very funny holiday comedy short film featuring the Guardians of the Galaxy. In this there is a good mix of action, and comedy. the space settings were great and the dialogue was good. My favorite character is Cosmo the Dog.

7. Black Widow 🕷                                                                                                      This is the first standalone movie of Black Widow. This movie takes place after the events of Civil War, so she is still dead. The CGI in this movie wasn’t the best, but it certainly wasn’t the worst (She-Hulk). The villain of this movie is Black Widows former boss, and a mysterious assassin named The Taskmaster. My favorite character is Mason.

6. Thunder Force ⚡️                                                                                                                     This movie isn’t Marvel or DC but I still thought I’d include it in this list. This is a superhero comedy movie about two women who get superpowers and fight crime. One of them has super strength and I forgot what the other one has. I don’t have much to say about this movie because I forgot most of it but its on Netflix and I recommend it. My favorite character is the Fire Robber guy.

5. Snake Eyes 🐍                                                                                                                             This is a G.I. Joe movie about a guy who’s dad got killed by ninjas when he was younger, and gets recruited to fight bad ninjas, by good ninjas. in the movie the plot and characters are very good. the motorcycle scenes are my favorites in the movie. some characters are Snake Eyes, Storm Shadow, and Tamakura. My favorite character is Snake Eyes.

4. Justice League (Snyder Cut) 🦸🏻‍♂️                                                       The Justice League movie was originally supposed to be directed by Zach Snyder, but after his daughter’s tragic passing, Joss Whedon, the director of Avengers (2012) stepped up for the job. People hated the movie. Everybody thought it was bad, even though I personally liked it. So, in March 2021, a 4hr movie was released to HBO Max called The Justice League Snyder Cut. Overall I loved this movie, though 4 hours might have been a bit much. My favorite parts were the Knightmare sequences, though they only lasted a few minutes. My favorite character was (spoilers) Martian Manhunter.

5. Black Adam 🎩                                                                                           This movie was great. Although I originally though it would be bad, I was pleasantly surprised. The JSA was great in the movie, though (SPOILERS) Dr. Fate died much to early on. The main villain, Sabac, was really cool, and the final battle was great. My favorite character was Adam Smasher.

4. Morbius 🧛                                                                                     This movie is the definition of a absolute masterpiece. When the titular character, Morbius, said its Morbin’ time and morbed all over the theatre I was blown away by this work of art. This film has completely changed my life, and no movie will ever come close to it. My favorite part was the whole movie and my favorite character was Morbius’s best friend Gru and his ex Bob.

3. Spider Man: No Way Home 🕸                                                        This movie is the third movie of the Tom Holland trilogy, and it was amazing. I was amazed by the amount of cameos in this movie. (SPOILERS) When Daredevil shoes up it was very cool and when the other three Spider-Mans arrived the theatre was going crazy. Overall, I think this movie is a tad bit overrated, but still great. The best character in my opinion is Andrew Garfield Spider-Man because he was funny and powerful.

2. Black Panther: Wakanda Forever 🐆                                                                                                                                                                     The second installment in this movie series is even better than the first one. After Chadwick Bozeman passed away, T’Challa (Black Panther) passed away too in the movie. So now there is a new black panther. This was a very good movie and a very close second. The best character is M’Baku.

1. Shang – Chi  🐉                                                                               This is hands down the best marvel movie and possibly one of the best movies in general. Everything about this movie is great. The characters are very cool, the story is epic and there is great CGI. Watch this movie. My favorite character was Shang – Chi.


Thank you for reading this very long blog post.

My World Cup 2022 hopes 🏆

Hello. As you may already know the FIFA World Cup is happening this year in Qatar. Here are my hopes for the outcome.

My first hope is that Saudi Arabia wins the World Cup. Argentina had not had a loss in 4 years until Saudi Arabia miraculously beat them 2-1, earning all the players Rolls Royce Phantoms. 🇸🇦

I also hope that Portugal gets second place because SUIIIIIIIII. The star player of the team Christiano Ronaldo will surely make this come true with his awesome skills. 🇵🇹

USA, who won a stunning game today, should get 3rd place in the cup. The MVP today was Christian Pulisic, who won a spectacular goal but also got injured sadly. 🇺🇸

4th place should belong to Argentina. As I mentioned they had a 36 game streak so they have to be good. Messi of course will be the one to take them there. 🇦🇷

thanks for reading.


Tøp 𝟝 Førtnit£ Chåråçt£r§

Hola. Today I am Going to be listing the top five characters from hit game Fortnite. before reading this you might want to see my first blog post. anyway let’s get started. This is not in any specific order.                                                                                                                         §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§

𝟙. Omega Knight – my favorite.                                                     This is a cool Knight skin. (Attached below)

2. Drift (fully upgraded)                                                                 This is a skin with a fox mask and trench coat.

3. Ragnarok (fully upgraded).                                                       This is a Viking themed skin with a cool blue beard.

4. Crz – 8                                                                                                        Cyber themed 8 ball ninja.

5. Midas Rex                                                                                       Gold armored skin.

Thanks for reading.

Omega Knight


My Christmas Wishes 🎅🏽

Dear Santa, 🎅🏽 🎄 


Hello Mr. Clause. Today I am writing to you for a few Christmas wishes. Sadly I will not be able to see you this holiday season as I will be away. But that won’t stop me from writing to you. My first wish for you is to delete TikTok from existence. The second is to make all furries not furries, and to put them all on the naughty list. My third wish is to make Fortnite and Minecraft good again. The next one is to make Elon Musk less rich. He is straight up going to buy a country one of these days. My third is to simply let all mobile game ads burn in hell and to make Raid: Shadow Legends not have so many sponsors. My penultimate wish is to make CGI great again and my final wish for this magical season is TO GIVE US SOME SNOW. I have many more but I will save them for next year.


Your friend, Kabibi. ❄️ ⛄️ 🎄 🎅🏽