Museum of Science Field Trip 🧪🧬

Hello. On Friday, January 27 me and my 6th grade peers all went to the Raleigh Museum of Science. We went in a bus and the ride was about 30 minutes. Huge shoutout to our amazing bus driver. he was very funny and nice.

While there, we explored lots of cool areas about dinosaurs, science, gems, and much more. It was really cool to see all the animals. they mad fish, snakes, bugs, and Im pretty are I even saw an alligator! The dinosaur exhibit was very very cool and the Dinos were massive.

There was also an exhibit about race, which we filled a worksheet on. In that exhibit there was posters about different peoples’ experiences with race and racism. there were also posters on how the pandemic affected race, myths about race, how racism started and more. We didn’t get much time, and I was mostly focused on the worksheet but it was very interesting.

We had come here in second grade and named a lot of the animas and other things and most were still there. The best one was the giant whale skeleton named Garret.

Overall, the trip was lots of fun and I hope to go again sometime.

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