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Hello there. In our new unit in LA Class, we are reading a cool mystery book called The Westing game. In this story, the main objective for the characters is to win the westing Game, named after the late Sam Westing, a relative of the contestants. At Sam Westing’s funeral, his will is read and in it are the rules of the game, and clues for each contestant. One of the contestants, Turtle, thinks the game is won by investing in the stock market, and making the most money, so we did just that. Our groups were each given “$20,000” (not real) to invest in the stock market. The companies my group invested in are Apple, Microsoft, Lululemon, Starbucks, Nike, and Wells Fargo. We predicted that Lululemon would go up, so we took a risky choice and bought 30 Lululemon shares, and it very much payed off (literally). In the first few weeks of the project, we only had 5$, and then one day, we checked the market, and we went up to 130$. After that it just kept going up, and right now we are at 475$. Overall, I am extremely pleased with how our stocks are going, and i hope we keep going up. Here is a picture of the companies we invested in, and our group logo.

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